Wednesday 23 October 2013

Coffee: Jamaican Blue; Dinner: Nandos Chicken; Sketched: Charcoal

Had a Skinny Latte at Jamaican Blue just now. Pretty awesome. The highlight is definitely THE FOAM. Only $5.60 and I think it was worth it (:

For dinner, had some really awesome peri peri Nandos chicken! Ate dinner with dad and sis. Really glad to have time to talk and catch up with them.

And I know this isn't actually a picture of food or drinks... but I sketched this today and I'd like to remember it few months or years down the road. I think its very imperfect, but I guess it's pretty satisfactory considering I finished it within fifteen to twenty minutes. Was really happy to use charcoal, haven't used that medium for a few years hehehe. Hurrah!!!

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